Privacy Policy for Note App

Effective Date: [2023.10.21]

1. Information Collection and Use

We do not collect, store, or share personal information from users of our Note app. We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your data.

2. Network Permissions

Our app requests network permissions to display advertisements. We use Google AdMob to provide ad services, which may involve the collection of some user data, but we do not collect or store personally identifiable information. Ads may be customized based on user interests and behavior.

3. Child Privacy Protection

Our Note app is intended for children aged 3 and above. We do not intentionally collect or store personal information of minors. If you are a minor, please use our app under the guidance of a parent or guardian.

4. Adding, Deleting, and Modifying Notes

Our app supports users in adding, deleting, and modifying notes. These note details are stored solely on your device and are not uploaded to our servers or shared with other users.

5. Automatic Saving

Our app may automatically save your note information to prevent data loss. These data are only stored on your device.

6. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Our app does not use cookies or other tracking technologies to collect user information.

7. Change Notification

We may periodically update our privacy policy to reflect changes in the app or updates in regulations. When we make significant changes to our privacy policy, we will provide notification within the app.